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fishing about and about fishing
menakhem ben yami

Fishing about and about fishing

M. Ben-Yami




A treatise following a visit to Iceland and the Faroe Islands

 July-August 2006













ICES, FRI and fishermen’s data, observations and opinions

ICES/FRI recommendations







Hydrography and production     

Productivity and primary production

Effect of food availability on catchability

Competition (cod & haddock)

Some reports on fishery ecosystem dynamics


Some actual examples

Questionable assumptions employed in the European fisheries     management

Changes in fishing technology and fishing patterns



Tailoring rules to specific fisheries

Managing mixed fisheries by effort control

Rules may be wrong

Fishery research needs



Reports and people quoted

Persons met in Iceland and in Foroyar







In July 2006 I had the pleasure to revisit Foroyar, after a 7-day stopover in Reykjavik. In Foroyar, I met fishermen’s and industry’s representatives and, in both countries, also scientists (see: Persons met). As on my former visit, I was impressed with the data presentation, with fishing results, and the common-sense effort-based management, and was all ears to a lively discussion as to whether fishing effort on the Faroese EEZ should be reduced. Later, in August, I was informed that the Fisheries minister decided to reduce DAS (days at sea) by 3%.


During 1994-95, the Faroese fisheries have been managed by the quota system, introduced in result of Denmark’s pressure and local choice. The Faroese people soon perceived both the operation and consequences of this system as leading towards economic, social - and with over 90% of the country’s foreign trade coming from fishing - a national debacle. Consequently, the Faroese government decided to abandon the quota system. The price to pay was leaving the EU system.


Thus, as from 1st of June 1996, the current effort management system was implemented throughout the Faroese demersal fisheries. Accordingly, DAS are allocated to all fleets fishing on less than 380-m depth. In addition, the majority of the shallow areas of less than 200 m are closed for trawling and allocated to vessels using passive gear, mainly longliners and jiggers. During spawning time, most cod spawning areas are closed for nearly all types of fishing gear. DAS are tradeable and exchangeable, but only within groups of vessels licensed for the same fishing method. 


The Faroese common-sense management and, in particular, the quite evidently wise decision to part with the EU ‘s CFP and its quota system, have made considerable impression among Atlantic fishermen. Comparison of the consistent ICES’ and Faroese Fisheries Laboratory’s recommendations during the last 10 years to reduce TACs, with the increasing landings of the  Faroese fisheries during the same period, only validates the advice to the contrary of the independent Icelandic scientist, Jon Kristjansson. Similar situation has evolved with regards to blue whiting and saithe. One can only imagine the enormous personal, commercial and national losses incurred during the last decade in the cod fisheries alone, if the Faroese government would have adhered to all those recommendations. 


The management by DAS has several advantages over the quota system. It allows multi-species fisheries free and flexible operation and marketing its whole catch. It reduces discards, and does away with incentives to misreport catch and to practice “black” landings. There is also a self-regulatory element in this system, because fleets are free to move from the weaker to the stronger stocks, so that none is fished down to exhaustion. If necessary, the DAS management can be flexible and adjustable, even in the mid of a season/year. Apart from DAS, there are also various technical measures such as area closures during the spawning periods, mesh size regulations, and areas closed to trawling.


My criticism of ICES system is by no means out-and-out. It is limited to the presentation of its assessments and estimates of biomass, recruitment and SSB (spawning stock biomass) in precise figures, and to some of its apparently basic assumptions, which are spelled out below. Notwithstanding, one may accept its estimates as relative, qualitative values, in terms of less than, or more than, etc. For example, no experienced fisherman can believe ICES when it is saying that in 1997 the cod SSB was 80,264 mt and in the year 2000 – 46,369, because the very exactitude of those figures makes them a fallacy. Nonetheless, it would be sensible to say that the apparent SSB in1997 was considerably larger, perhaps even close as twice as much, as that in the year 2000.


On the other hand, one should very carefully read and consider what ICES and the Faroese Fisheries Laboratory (FRI) have to say on the dynamics of the ecological conditions over and around the Faroese Plateau and their influence on the recruitment, growth rate, and catchability of the commercial species. My criticism is by no means directed at personal qualifications of any of the ICES and FRI scientists, but that they have been trained and guided to become a part of a firmly established and for many years hardly challenged system, which only in recent years started facing criticism at science level.


Unfortunately, since I do not read either Faroese or Icelandic, important information contained in the printed material I was supplied with might have escaped my attention. I hope that for the same reason I did not misinterpret data. On the other hand, I am well aware that those whose understanding of the reality differs from mine may dispute my interpretation.


So far, the Faroese fisheries management system is rather unique in Europe and, hence, is under constant pressure on the part of the European fisheries’ bureaucracy and technocracy, who still employ the prevailing conventional but scientifically inadequate approach to fishery management, to follow their recommendations. It is, therefore important that the Faroese fisheries stakeholders and decision makers have at their disposal the necessary tools to face such pressures and to critically examine any recommendations. All the more that it is an example and “laboratory” of effort management for all Atlantic fisheries and beyond. This paper is a modest attempt to contribute towards this end.


The report starts with Conclusions and Recommendations. Some of them may be found politically or administratively inconvenient, but this is a matter for local considerations, which are beyond my grasp, and therefore are outside the frame of this paper. They are followed by and based on the main text, which comprises the facts I chose to point out, and some attempts at analyzing them





I wish to thank for their hospitality, co-operation, assisstance, provision of valuable information and sharing their wisdom to Olaf and Hanna Olsen, Oli and Kerstin Jacobsen, Danjal Poulsen and his wife, to Bui Turil and Maria Olsen. and all the other people in Foroyar who offered  Hanna and me their hospitality and friendship, and, in Iceland, to Jon Kristjansson and Dora Hansen, and Jonas and  Kristin Bjarnason. 


My thanks go also to all the people who so kindly agreed to share with me their opinions on and knowledge of fisheries - Jakup Solstein, Audunn Konradsson, Hjalti i Jakupsstovu, Bjarti Thomsen and Kristian Zachariassen - in the Faroes, and  Einar Hjorleifsson and Gunnar Stefansson of and Tumi Tomasson, and last but not least, Jon Kristjansson also for reading a draft and contributing valuable comments – in Iceland.





1 - The apparently prevailing belief that for best recruitment large SSB levels are needed is wrong, and the consequent management efforts to maintain high SSB are usually counter-productive beyond certain level. They may result in under-fishing with the resulting economic losses, and in biological consequences such as reduced recruitment and underfed fish. Therefore, any management recommendation should be examined in the light of the evident inverse quasi-correlation between the size of the SSB and recruitment level, especially at large and very large SSB. For example both, the ICES/FRI data and Kristjansson’s findings indicate that anything more than about 90,000 mt in the cod SSB can and should be fished out, if necessary by DAS increase. 


2 - At the same time one must be aware that small SSB may produce either a rich or a poor cohort. This most probably depends on the external conditions faced by the spawners and/or young stages, from egg, through larval and post-larval, and ending with juveniles. Desirably, local research should look for the reasons (physical, biological) for the respectively poor and abundant recruitments that, in different years, resulted from similar, low SSB levels. Results of such research may help to decide rationally how to react, under different ecological conditions, to low SSB estimates. On the other hand, when it comes to deal with large SSB, a precautionary approach should lead the managers “to err in favour of fishermen”, that is rather to enjoy the abundance than reduce the fishing effort.


3 – When a fishery encounters a large stock with one or more abundant cohorts (yearclasses), but composed of relatively small, underfed individuals, with low condition factor and poor gonads, it should consider increase of fishing effort, where possible by reducing selectivity level (e.g., using smaller meshsize in codends or smaller hook size). This may also reduce the creaming off the the larger and better spawners that evidently leads to dwarfing in the fished populations.


4 – Any precise assessment figures as those published by ICES, assessing stocks, SSB, recruitment and TACs to the last tonne, must be taken with more than a bit of salt. This sort of “counting and weighing fish in the ocean” is all but ridiculous. And any pretense to precision is pitiful. The existing tools can only provide very rough, rather qualitative than quantitative estimates of fish biomass, recruitment, and fishing mortality. Additionally, fish are mobile and often avoid detection by both fishermen and survey vessels, The fishery science has no technologies enabling such precision, and the ”precise” figures it has been producing for years have been obtained using various conjectures and statistical manoeuvres. Accuracy cannot be achieved by multiplying estimate by approximate, adding a guesstimate and dividing it all by assumption …


5 - The flaws in the most important input parameters introduce substantial uncertainties in the models calculating biomass, fishing mortality and expected production. At the same time, most environmental parameters, including predation levels that affect natural mortality, are missing. The accuracy of echosounding surveys’ vaccilates by tens of percent either way. Also major displacements of stocks over and beyond the surveyed and fished areas are not accounted for. Thus in most cases stock and TAC assessments, and exploitation level recommendations lack any accuracy, which must be a subject of serious considerations, before management steps are taken.


6 - The practice of managing mixed and multi-species fisheries by the weak species, however valuable would it be, may well be counter-productive, especially if within the fishery so managed takes place competition over food and space, or mutual predation. In such cases the right management may be rather to increase or maintain the fishing pressure in the mixed fishery, as for example, the Faroese longline fishery, where haddock now is the most abundant one and was showing signs of dearth of food. 


On the other hand, reduction of fishing pressure (DAS) in the jigging fishery, where cod provides the bulk of the catch, might by recommended, but only if it is of considerable significance to the cod stock. In such case this fishery might seek a way to seasonally or temporarily diversify by converting to other gear and/or a different target. Here, government-sponsored experimental fishing might lead to finding feasible alternatives for the jiggers.  However, if the jigging fishery is comparatively small or self-adjusting, say, by staying in port if catches are poor,  there may be no point in applying to it special DAS rules. 


7 – It seems that the ICES’ recommendation that after 10 years of the effort management practice, a group of Faroese interested parties composed of fishermen, fishery managers and fishery scientists could evaluate the system and suggest improvements should be seriously considered. My advice is that fishery science is represented is such a group by both institutional (ICES/FRI) and independent scientists from among the critics of the conventional management system. Such group should jointly review and analyse the management recommendations and, in particular, the various assumptions that underlie the assessments, and in particular to check if the basis for the recommendations contains all the relevant facts and observations brought up by the fishermen, as well as all the often ignored or neglected important biotic and abiotic factors. If found necessary, in order to verify and improve, or reform the current assessment and management methodology, the group would identify new research and advisory approaches and options. 





Among the three principal fishing methods, longlining, pair trawling and jigging (automated handlining), longliners were normally catching either more or less similar percentage of cod and haddock, or more cod than haddock. During the last 2 years, however, the longliners have been catching more haddock than cod, and plenty of it. Trawlers are taking large, unprecedented amounts of saithe, with some cod and haddock bycatch.

The jiggers fleet is still catching mainly cod, because haddock has never shown any tendency to bite their lures. This is not unique to the Faroese fishery. According to the experience of U.S. anglers, artificial lures are ineffective in catching haddock. Unlike cod, haddock have very soft mouths that gently tap at a baited hook, hence are less prone to get hooked, especially on jigs. For haddock fished with baited hooks, fresh clams, shrimp and squid are reported to be the best baits. 



ICES, FRI and fishermen’s data, observations and opinions


Note: Fishing mortality (F) may be understood by some as equivalent to or in a linear relationship with catch.  This is not so; fishing mortality means the ratio between the catch and the whole stock, or in other words, rate of exploitation. Thus, even reduced catch may cause bigger F, if the stock gets much smaller and vice versa.


For natural mortality, see below, in the section entitled:”Questionable assumptions employed in the European fisheries management”.


Cod: Fishermen report that the cod catches are now down in all fisheries. 

According to ICES the cod SSB in 2006 is poor, and the cod on the Faroese Plateau is at risk of reduced reproductive capacity. This, says ICES, because SSB in 2006 “is at the same level as prior to the collapse in 1990” and the cod is “at risk of being harvested unsustainably” (Figure FRI scientists said that the cod stock is now only half of what it was just few years ago. The fish seem have plenty to eat and they are in good condition.  A keen observer must notice, however, that it is at the same level as it was prior to its 1995-98 blooms when the 1996 & 1997 landings reached record figures, (see also Jakupsstovu and Andreassen, 2004, pp. 13 & 15).


ICES assumes, probably rightly so, that if productivity in 2005 and 2006 is low, and food is scarce, the catchability of hungry cod may increase in the hook-and-line fisheries, and that its fishing mortality may increase. “It could therefore be prudent to consider substantial reductions in fishing effort for the next fishing season.” The question is, therefore, whether and how low it is.


Saithe: ICES was unable to assess the state of the saithe stock for lack of data. However, the landings of saithe by trawlers are high, which, judging from the past experience and FRI statistics (Jakupsstovu and Andreassen, 2004), is normal when cod catches are low. Then, there seems to be consensus of opinions that there’s a good association between actual catches and the estimated biomass, which means that good catches indicate strong biomass (see below). 


Haddock: Fishermen report that In the longlining fishery haddock is plentiful, but seems to “grow slowly”, which may indicate over-population with respect to the food available. Also, ICES opinion is that haddock SSB has increased in recent years as a result of strong recruitments, including the record high 1999 yearclass, and it estimates the recent yearclasses as being small, the individual growth low, and SSB declining. 


Based on the most recent estimates of SSB and fishing mortality, ICES classifies the haddock stock as “having full reproductive capacity” and at the same time, “increased risk of being harvested unsustainably”. According to the ICES 2005 estimate, fishing mortality just exceeds the desired level, although “haddock SSB has increased in recent years as a result of strong recruitments, including the record high 1999 yearclass”. ICES estimates the recent yearclasses “to be small and combined with low individual growth, and SSB is now declining”.


For the last 10 years, fishing mortality (F) as estimated by ICES has been above the Fpa   (Fpa is the fishing mortality that leads the stock to Bpa, which is the precautionary level of the biomass) it was proposing. Historically, the spawning stock biomass had been well above Bpa for a number of the early years in the time-series, but has been below Bpa since 2004. The recruitment after the 2000 year-class has been at or below average.



Stocks dynamics: According to ICES, “Landings of cod, haddock and saithe on the Faroes appear to be closely linked with the total biomass of the stocks. For cod, the peaks and valleys are generally of the same height, suggesting that the exploitation ratio has remained relatively stable over time. For haddock, the difference at the beginning of the series suggests that the exploitation rate was decreasing during that period, while it would have been relatively steady since the mid 1970s. For saithe, there is a suggestion that the exploitation rate was increasing at the beginning of the period with reasonable stability since the mid to late 1970s”.


But ICES admits that fishing mortality estimates derived from its assessment do not confirm this perception, but that is partly due to unstable estimates of fishing mortality: 1) at the oldest, poorly sampled ages, and 2) for the very small, poorly sampled yearclasses. The ratio of landings to biomass could therefore provide a more stable indication of the exploitation status of the resource. In short, more uncertainties.



The gist of ICES/FRI recommendations


Cod: The scientists recommend reducing effort in all fisheries that are taking cod, even where other fishes form the bulk of the catches


Haddock: In view of its above assessment of the state of the haddock, ICES thinks that to maintain haddock SSB above Bpa (precautionary level) in 2008, requires a reduction in the current fishing mortality to 0.20 in 2007, corresponding to an effort reduction of about 24%.


Saithe: as mentioned above, ICES using its own methodology has been unable to assess the saithe stock. Its recommendations, therefore, are based on various estimates and precautionary approach. In the words of ICES: “An update of previous year’s assessment model was unreliable because of major reduction in growth since 1996. Because of these changes the 2005 assessment cannot be used as an indication of current status and, e.g. the yield-per-recruit cannot be used. Various probable assumptions lead to very different perceptions of the status of the stock. The basis for the advice has consequently changed, as no analytical assessment is available. The advice is now based on average catch considerations”. The scientists agree to maintain the saithe fishing effort at the current  level.  Still another uncertainty.







In recent years the criticism of the Western approach to fisheries management becomes more and more frequent and insistent. It is coming from industry and scientists, and major academic institutions. This criticism is two-pronged; it speaks of inadequate science and of flawed and counter-productive management rules. Here are some examples.


In 2003, the prestigious British Royal Society expressed criticism of the present management system by ICES. It indicated that TAC quotas (based on assessment of size of populations), “will always be uncertain as they are naturally highly variable, driven by a multitude of factors, including the intensity of exploitation”, and they should be replaced by other management means. And the RS concluded: “It is vital that this uncertainty is explicitly incorporated into fishery management and underlying models.  In Iceland, Orn Palsson, of the National Association of Small Boat Owners, said that in spite that for the last 15 years, the scientific advice has been followed in his country’s quota-based system, more or less precisely, cod quotas are now lower than ever before, and further reduction is expected (Bates, 2006).


And indeed, at about the same time, the Icelandic Marine Research Institute (MRI) published a report on the cod fishery, which currently is allowed to catch 25% of the stock. MRI recommended that over the next four years the cod TAC should be reduced significantly to build up the spawning stock and  the catch to be brought down to 22% of the stock. According to MRI Director Jóhann Sigurjónsson, MRI’s models indicate reduction of the catch down to 16% of the cod stock, which he says would bring SSB back to the desirable level of 300,000 to 400,000 mt. He blamed the low SSB for some years for poor recruitment, ( Note: Both past experience and the inverse correlation between SSB and recruitment mentioned above and described below in more detail, are setting a serious question mark on MRI’s approach. 


Also the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and the English National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations, maintain that the EU’s Cod Recovery Plan introduced in February 2004 has failed to meet its objectives, and that the EC’s conservation policy repeatedly failed to deliver, while putting the whole fisheries management in crisis ( Similar noises can be heard from the continent, where rather strong criticism has recently come from France’s National Fisheries Committee (CNPMEM).

More recently, also the Scottish Seafood Processors' Federation, the Fishermen’s Association Ltd (FAL) and Save Britain’s Fish (SBF) called for the UK to restore national control of its fishing resources by quitting the Common Fisheries Policy.


Robert T.Lackey, of the American Environmental Protection Agency USEPA, a respected scientist not associated with the official fisheries science and management, addressed an additional aspect of the problem: “Much of the available science is tendered by government agencies, commercial interests, public and private organisations, as well as public and private interests and advocacy groups. Each arguably has a vested interest in the outcome of the debate and often promulgates “science” that supports its favoured position”. 


One must recognise the fact that fishery management cannot directly manage fish stocks or their environment; all that it can do is to manage people. But, American anthropologists William Ward and Priscilla Weeks found that fishery scientists are not being taught to deal with people’s social, cultural and economic problems. Moreover, much of their approach is made up not only of scientific analyses of empirically established facts, but also of concepts and presumptions inherited from the system of which they had become a part. Thus, they profess more and more of the same and resist other concepts and new ideas. They extrapolate their findings rather from models and theories than from actual research and fishermen’s knowledge. Their contact with the industry and fishing people is limited, their knowledge and perceptions coming mainly from the old hands in the system. Still, they consider themselves stewards of the fish stocks without whom, following  the "tragedy of commons" theory, fishermen must compete with each other until their fish resource is completely exhausted.  


”They employ statistical models and aged monitoring programs. Self-sampling practice reduces still more both contact with fisherfolk and understanding of what's really going on on the fishing grounds”. The regulators and policy-makers whose offices are located inland, have still less contact with fishery, and the idea of sharing and enforcement power to the resource users is not in their line of thinking (Ward and Weeks, 1994).


While Wards’ and Weeks’ analysis over-generalises when it comes to individual scientists, it no doubt reflects well the ”system”. And, as all major systems suffer from inertia, it takes them time to change direction, even when individuals have come to the understanding that change is needed.

Those were only a few examples to demonstrate that the present fisheries assessment and management system and its approach are being strongly criticized, and that their underlying science suffers from many flaws (see below: SO WHY IS THE SCIENCE INADEQUATE?).





Let me precede this section with some definitions. Fisheries ecology deals with the exchange of matter and energy within and among marine ecosystems.  It is a very complex and hardly exact branch of science.


Fishery ecosystem is a marine ecosystem in which fishermen, fish, and environment meet and interact.  Fishery is the process in which fishing people exploit fish stocks within fishery ecosystems.  Those three are bound together in every fishery, and influenced by trends and fluctuations caused by external factors. These are people’s cultures, markets, technology, and logistics, as well as man-caused pollution and habitat destruction on one hand, and fishery-independent natural, biotic (that is having to do with living organisms) and abiotic (that is having to do with physical and chemical factors affecting the ecosystem and other planetary and solar forces) on the other.


Thus, every external factor may affect spawning, recruitment, movements and migrations, age-size relationship, condition factor (that is well-being of individual fish), as well as abundance, availability and catchability of the fish. At the same time fishery affects the ecosystem in various ways, by massive removing of both prey and predators from the sea. The science is still ignorant or little informed on much of the above, which needs to be studied and assessed.


The currently expanding fascination with ecosystem management has opened the window for a realistic approach to viewing fish stocks and their exploitation as a part-and-parcel in the ecosystem. The ecosystem concept was adopted by the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg in 2002 where the target for implementation was set at 2010. Unfortunately, the talking and writing on this subject focus mainly on the negative effects of fishing operations on the environment, rather than on the whole complex of factors and their dynamics.



Hydrography and production     


The northward flowing North Atlantic current and its related clockwise current

system represent the main physical factors influencing the Faroese fishery ecosystem. Another important factor must be the East Icelandic current. In

deeper waters, deep Norwegian Sea and Atlantic waters meet. The intensity of the North Atlantic current passing the Faroe area has been varying: it decreased in the late 1980s, when the productivity of the Faroese waters was very low, and increased later on in the 1990s. This shift, down and up, in the area’s productivity has been reflected in stock sizes, landings and fish growth. There is a very clear relationship in the Faroe shelf ecosystem between primary production (bacteria and algae phytoplankton) and the highest trophic levels, such as predatory fish and seabirds, with all intermediate levels, affected (Gaard, E. et al. 2001).





ICES cod landings and recruitment data show almost regular fluctuations of about 8-11 years. Haddock’s stock also fluctuates consistently, but less regularly. Saithe landings seem to fluctuate in a quasi-cycling manner with ebbs occurring about 15-16 years apart (see Fig. During the last 10 years FRI has perceived fluctuations due to environmental factors and a highly variable natural mortality. Presently, the saithe cycle appears to be at its highest level and indeed it blooms in the trawl fishery, which again might coincide with low recruitment of this species.


FRI produced an excellent booklet, which documents 100 years (1903-2003) of catches of the commercial species taken around the Faroes, and their more or less regular fluctuations (Jakupsstovu and Andreassen 2004). For example, looking at the ups and downs of cod landings during the 100-year period, it seems almost normal that after the almost record 2000-2003 landings, 2005-2006 cod catches were ebbing and that after hitting bottom they should go up again. 


These data should also be used to confront the fluctuations in the catches of the different species, which may help the understanding of their relative roles in the ecosystem and their mutual relations as prey, predators, and competitors. For instance, according to fishermen’s experience of many years, good catches of saithe mostly coincide with poor ones of cod. This “anecdotal” information finds support in the FRI statistics (Jakupsstovu and Andreassen, 2004).


No doubt, cyclic and quasi-cyclic fluctuations, as well as irregular shifts in fish populations are for the most part the result of ecological factors both abiotic and biotic that, depending on the case, might or might not be enhanced by fishing pressure.



Productivity and primary production


According to ICES, primary production of the Faroe ecosystem may vary by factor of five, which has profound effects on fish stocks. ICES believes that extended periods of low ecosystem production may require a reconsideration of the effort management system.


The productivity of the Faroe Shelf ecosystem has been shown to be of ultimate importance to the cod stock (Steingrund and Gaard, 2005). The spawning stock biomass depends heavily upon the recruitment, which in turn depends heavily upon the productive state of the Faroe Shelf ecosystem. The index of primary production was low in 2002, 2003, and 2005, above average in 2004, and appears to be about average in 2006 (not yet the final estimate). Accordingly, in order to get a recovery of the cod stock in the near future the productive state of the Faroe Shelf ecosystem must improve considerably in 2006 and 2007.   


There’s a definite positive linkage between primary production and the resulting availability of food in the ecosystem and fish recruitment and growth. Jon Kristjansson notes that growth and recruitment have oscillated in phase throughout the whole period for which data are available, confirming that good feeding condition lead to good recruitment and visa versa. Also, periods of high mortality are when the growth is slow and visa versa; in periods of good growth the total mortality is low. He suggests that the main part of the mortality is from natural causes, such as hunger. Under good growing conditions, mortality is low for all yearclasses; because M is low and F is similar for all ages of fish after age 3-4.


However, the linkage between productivity and fish recruitment and growth is by no means simple, because they depend also on other environmental factors, such as the prevailing or seasonal temperatures that affect different species in different ways, or whether the right sort of food is available at the right time especially for the larval and post-larval stages of the different species.



Effect of food availability on catchability


ICES draws attention to the fact that in hook-and-line fisheries catchability is related to the amount of food available in the ecosystem. The more food is available the higher is the growth, and  the lower is the catchability, because with good natural food supply, fish have plenty of food around, and  hence are less prone to be hooked.Therefore, low ecosystem production when  fish abundance decreases, the catchability of longline gear may increase, for hungry cod would be eager to bite. 


Older haddock (4 and 5 year-class) react in the same way as cod to low food availability by being more eager to bite, while there is no such correlation when it comes to the younger haddock. This way or another, ICES admits now that natural factors (production) may affect catchability more than technology.


Blue whiting is a forage species for saithe. A proportion of the saithe stock is far off the shelf, probably preying on blue whiting. The blue whiting fishery thus also affects saithe by removing blue whiting, while bycatch of saithe in the blue whiting fishery in Faroe waters may be significant. 



Competition and mutual predation (cod & haddock)


Competition on food among fishes can come at different life stages. Two species may compete over food when one of them is in an adult stage and the other – juvenile, etc.


According to Rountree, most Atlantic cod and all haddock prey on benthic crustaceans and on each other. The dominant food of cod of 21-90 cm and of haddock of 21-80 cm is: Amphipoda, Gommaridea, Polychaeta, shrimp and pandalid shrimp, crabs and bivalves. Capelin and sandeel are critical components of the ocean food web in the Northeast Atlantic and serve as primary prey for both cod and haddock.


In recent years occurred development of monkfish fishery on the Plateau. This indicates the presence of significant population of this species. The monkfish is a bottom predator feeding almost exclusively on fishes. It may be preying on young commercial fish, such as cod and haddock, although its role may be that of a scavenger feeding on the week and the ill.


Some reports on fishery ecosystem dynamics

Two FAO studies, one by Leonid Klyashtorin (2002), and the other by Gary Sharp (2003), described the crucial influence of planetary, climatic and oceanic processes and fluctuations on fish populations throughout the history of mankind and beyond.  Species with narrow temperature and/or salinity preference limits, are affected by anomalies that delay or hasten spawning and hatching, and displace spawning and feeding grounds. Survival of larvae and juveniles depends on hydrographic conditions, availability of food at the right place and time, and the rate of predation. Major and even dramatic fluctuations in the abundance of some species, such as, e.g., herring, sardine and anchovy, as well as some groundfish, have been documented from times when they could not have been caused by fishing. 

The Institute of Marine Research and the Bjerknes centre for climate research in Bergen, produced an interesting report, which says that the cod rate of growth is very dependent on water temperature. Average bottom temperatures account for 90 % of the observed difference in growth rates between different cod stocks in the North Atlantic. Temperature at the bottom, and particularly its sustained change affects the condition of cod and the rate at which they mature. The report’s forecast indicates that if the temperature rose by 2 - 4°C, dramatic changes to the cod population would occur, with cod spreading even further north. 

According to this report, some 70% of the recruitment of cod in the Barents Sea is controlled by the climate and algae production in the water during the cod’s first year of life.

According to Wallace Broecker, a researcher at Columbia University's Earth Institute, since the coastal waters of Greenland warmed up cod has become very abundant. Cod used to form the bulk of the fish caught in Greenland until a string of cold winters in the late 1980s drove off much of it. Commercial fishermen are impressed with the amounts of cod now available and with the catches they are taking, as compared with two years ago, (Kim Hoegdan, Internet).


According to James H. Uphoff Jr., a biologist at the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, the idea that by controlling fishing all management problems would be solved is an illusion in view of the formerly unaccounted for ecological problems not yet fully understood. The cod fishery off Atlantic Canada can serve as an example how environmental conditions humble management efforts. When it collapsed, the blame was put on overfishing. However, after more than 10 years of strict management steps, including absence of any significant fishing pressure and even total moratorium, the state of both the cod stocks and individual fish is still quite miserable. It becomes now obvious that the depressing factors are predation by protected and blooming seal herds, reduced availability of food, and also unfavourable physical conditions, such as temperature, especially, for spawning and young stages development. Even a European Commission report is now associating the expansion of gray seal population with difficulties of restoring cod stocks in the EU-managed waters.


No doubt, wherever occurs impoverishment of commercial fish populations (a term I prefer to use for combined causality, which happens in almost every instance the term overfishing is brought up), fishing would probably be one of the causes, and often the main one. But any a priori blaming of every negative change in fish populations solely on fishing leads to the delusion that by managing fishing impoverished fish stocks can be rebuild, and not once to fishery management’ debacle. In ecology there is hardly ever one single factor that is responsible for an ongoing process or for a given situation. Moratoria will restore fish stock that unfavourable environmental changes or massive pollution chased it from an area or caused it to produce poor yearclasses.  



The influence of fishing on fishery ecosystem


One, till recently overlooked or ignored effect of many fisheries, is the impact of selective fishing on fish populations. Letting the smaller fish out, to grow, mature and procreate, while trying to catch only fish that had spawned at least once has long been a dogma not only of management systems, but also of many fishermen. But now more and more fishery scientists, including some associated with ICES, question the wisdom of this practice (Kristjansson; Bjarnasson; Heino, 2003; Olsen, 2004; Berkeley, Internet).  


The gist of their thinking, well supported by research data, is that sustained creaming off of the larger and more prolific individuals brings about stock impoverishment, through leaving in the stock smaller fish with inferior reproductive qualities.  They spend more and more of their energy on sexual products and spawning activity, at the expense of growth and condition of their own bodies. They're more vulnerable to predation and their natural mortality increases. In almost all cases of stock collapse in the North Atlantic these symptoms have been present, (Kristjansson, private communication). 


As found in some fishes, the big, old females not only produce exponentially more eggs than the younger, smaller ones, but their offspring have a far greater chance of survival.  Thus, it may be more productive to have the bigger and older spawners surviving in the stock rather than having large SSB composed of small spawners. It would increase the chances of strong population numbers in the next generation – a condition paramount to the recovery of overfished stocks.


Scientists, as Bjarnason (private communication), Heino (2003), and some others, suggest that selective fishing has been causing a dwarfing genetic change in fish populations. The selective fishing pressure against larger individuals that genetically tend to mature later has caused fish to mature at an earlier age and at smaller size. This in turn has resulted in genetic changes, for example, in the northern cod’s population, which now slows down its recovery and produces age groups that tend to grow slower and mature sooner.


The net result of such selective removal of the larger individuals is likely to generate a population of hungry fish with stagnant growth and small size at maturity. Stocks dominated by such fish may become quite large, and Jon Kristjansson suggests that the management should consider that it might often face rather underfishing than overfishing. 



Unfortunately, even with the best information, many of the EU’s management steps would be based mostly on statistical-mathematical manipulation of 'guestimated' values. Scientists are unable to properly assess stocks, or make reliable predictions, as long as they apply the present methodology. 

Fish population models are employed, nevertheless, because they are the only tools available for numerical stock assessment. Although they are represented as the "best available science", they produce in most cases inadequate science. They are unable to represent marine fishery reality. They are void of other than fishing factors and are innocent of ecology and ignore environmental factors, such as multi-annual, cyclic and semi-cyclic climatic fluctuations affecting the populations of fish and their prey and predators, and also anthropogenic ones, such as pollution and habitat destruction. 

To be able to follow environment-induced trends and fluctuations, it is not enough if a model is designed to follow a past trend; it must be able to "catch up" with a change in real time, and be continually fed with a real time data. For any predictions it must be fine tuned to well studied long term time-series of environmental cycles. 


Also the practice of averaging values of catch and stocks may be distorting the reality picture and prevent understanding of the ecosystem dynamics. Overdone smoothing of data often causes scientists to ignore or overlook exceptional shifts and changes and their particular causes that should be considered in management recommendations and decisions. For example, extreme but short time temperature shifts that may be lethal to some fishes, may be overlooked in smoothed data, and thus the cause of a mortality may remain unknown or misunderstood.



Some actual examples


Jon Kristjansson (private communication) has been pointing out that the ICES/FRI data on weight at age are not based on true measured weights, they have been computed from length; therefore changes in condition factor are not reflected. Also, the catch-in-weight of the 2+ class has increased over the years in result of increasingly selective trawling, most probably because the meshsize in the codends has been increased several times during that period. These measures taken to reduce fishing pressure and release the smaller fish cause the biggest fish in their yearclass to be over represented, and lead to an increase in the calculated mean weight across the 2+ cohort. Concurrently, the average weight across the 3+ and older yearclasses has been falling through that period, which may indicate gradual deteriorating feeding condition.



Questionable assumptions employed for ICES management


ICES management methodology, as relevant to the Faroes, seems to be based on several basic assumptions, the main one being that large spawning stocks provide strong recruitment and vice-versa. But the data show a reverse association. As Jon Kristjansson had demonstrated, the numbers of both cod and haddock spawners and their recruitment on the Faroe plateau during the 1961-2004 period fluctuate in opposite phase, with the large spawning stocks producing poor yearclass cohorts. The same could be deduced from the ICES data   (ICES, 2006. For cod – Fig., top graph, for haddock – Figure, top graph, and for saithe – Fig., (see below for the graphs mentioned).


Cod (ICES NWWG Report 2006)






















The above ICES graph for cod shows, in line with Jon Kristjansson’s above mentioned thesis that the biggest SSB produces the poorest recruitment cohorts. The lowest SSB level (between 20,000 mt and 40,000 mt, according to ICES estimates) produced both very low and high-to very high recruitment levels). It is obvious from the data on this ICES graph that about 90,000 mt should be considered as the upper SSB level for rational management. Anything more than that can and should be fished out.




Haddock (ICES NWWG Report 2006):



























Here, the picture is very similar. SSB above 80,000-90,000 mt produces low recruitment.


The lines drawn across the graphs of stock or SSB versus recruitment, as in Figure 2.1.7 of the ICES report (not reproduced here) are not helpful at all in understanding the dynamics of the recruitment among the Faroese demersal stocks. The graph shows lines obtained using NMFS SRFIT software that, says ICES, “go nicely through the cloud of points”, they obfuscate the reasons for the scatter of the data. For example, very small stock or SSB may produce either high or low recruitment level, depending on the respective ecological conditions, such as favourable or non-favourable productivity or temperature levels, etc. An assumption that such lines indicate reality is unacceptable from the point of view of fishery ecology, and may lead to wrong management recommendations and decisions.








Saithe (ICES WWNG 2006 Report).








Fig. (Saithe). The straight lines, as drawn on this graph with the apparent intention to show trends are quite misleading. Straight line representing the true trend should run from the bottom right side of the graph, where the data show low recruitment at large SSB, toward the upper left side, where recruitment is large with small SSB. Also here, SSB exceeding 90,000 mt produces low recruitment and could safely be fished with increased effort.


The next graph is courtesy to Jon Kristjansson. It shows the cod SSB and recruitment relationship for Faroe plateau cod 1961-2004 in a different form, but the gist is the same. With only a couple of exceptions there’s an inverse correlation between those two, with low SSB producing good to very good recruitment and vice versa. When the spawning stock increases (from a good recruitment earlier) the recruitment decreases and visa versa, (Kristjansson, 2006).












 Similarly, the relationship between total (calculated) biomass and recruitment shows much the same pattern: when the stock is big there is a low recruitment, because “there is no room" for new recruits.  A pattern similar to the Faroese one appears also in the Scottish (FRS) haddock data. Nonetheless, SSB is consistently claimed by the ICES system to be the main vector controlling reproductive capacity of a stock.


Another assumption is that the figures on which management recommendations are based are sufficiently precise. But, as several scientists associated with ICES privately agree, catch statistics may be poor, especially throughout the quota-managed fisheries, and catch estimates therefore unreliable. Also most sampled catches are taken with fishing methods, which are selective to a greater or a lesser degree, and the methods of ageing fish are usually associated  with certain degree of uncertainty. The various flaws in the quality of the data used in the various models are also admitted in ICES reports.


Most importantly, the absolutely unknown factor of natural mortality in a fished stock, usually arbitrarily assumed to be 17-20%, has never been scientifically verified. It is just traditionally applied since almost 100 years. The use of this figure has been repeatedly censured by outstanding scientists, among them Ray Beverton (1992), who estimated non-human predation in the North Sea to exceed fisheries’ yields. Nevertheless, ICES (2006) keeps using this absolutely fallacious value. Here is an example: “One hundred years projections using the results of the 2004 assessments were made for the stocks of Faroe Plateau cod, Faroe haddock and Faroe saithe under similar assumptions. Natural mortality was assumed fixed at M = 0.20 for all ages and all years. The average of the values for 1996 to 2003, the period covered by the effort management regime, were used for the average weights at age, maturity at age and for the exploitation pattern (the highlighting is mine – MB-Y).


On the top of all these shaky pillars of the stock assessment methodology come the very models ignoring environmental vectors. Hence, ecosystem factors are getting for various reasons, lack of know how being only one of them, only scholarly lip service. 


All this means that the models calculating biomass and production produce severe uncertainties. Different models produce quite different results with the same data used.  Therefore, the whole disagreement between ACFM and ICES’ NWWG as to biomass reference points for haddock and saithe, and the fishing mortality reference points for all three stocks on the Faroese Plateau carries little weight. Also, echosounding surveys’ accuracy vacillates by tens of percent either way. Thus, in most cases, stock and TAC assessments and exploitation level recommendations lack any accuracy. And this includes the following ICES general conclusion, whether or not positive and optimistic.


“The NWWG concludes that the effort management system for demersal fishes on the Faroes has been consistent with the precautionary approach and it is expected that it will continue to be consistent with the PA in the short to medium term when SSB is above the Blim proposed herein. Based on the history of the fishery and on 100 years simulations, the NWWG also concludes that the target exploitation rates of 33% of the exploitable stock in numbers of each species, corresponding approximately to F = 0.45 are sustainable for cod, haddock and saithe. Generally, however, the fishing mortality on saithe has been less than the target, although F on saithe has had a tendency to increase in the recent past (although the most recent F estimate is considered to be an overestimate).”


Another highly questionable basic assumption is that a non-selective fishery taking more than one species, such as the Faroese cod-and-haddock longlining fishery, should be managed by the weaker species. However, if these species compete for food and space, and prey on each other, such strategy may be counter-productive. Thus, reducing effort in a fishery, which takes both lagging cod and thriving haddock, would favour the dominant species. In such case the large population of haddock might keep depressing the cod further, making its recovery even more difficult. All the more, in view of the evidence that at various stages of their life history cod and haddock indeed feed on similar organisms, and even on each the other (Rountree, Internet info).


There’re also ”lesser” assumptions taken in “calculating” the stock and TAC figures employed in management recommendations. I found such phrase in a recent ICES document on Faroese haddock stock: “linearity in the relationship between fishing effort and fishing mortality has been assumed”. Linearity between fishing effort (say, DAS) and fishing mortality means that the share the fishery is taking out of the stock increases and decreases with effort at a constant rate. The probability that this would actually happen is variable at best and very low at worst, hence any calculations-estimates based on such assumption can only provide questionable results. Increase or reduction of DAS doesn’t automatically increase or reduce fishing mortality by the percentage by which it is increased or reduced. What influences fishing mortality much more significantly is recruitment. For example, an appearance of a very strong yearclass may reduce the fishing mortality, even if the effort is incresed by many percent (say, even up to DAS = 100%). 




Fish are mobile


In some fisheries, fishermen have been criticizing indiscriminate use of catch/effort and catch rates data in stock assessment. Some fishes tend to concentrate. If there is less cod, for example, it may take up less space, but maintain the density. It may be missed by surveys, but well fished by experienced fishermen. When fish, however abundant, disperse they become more difficult to catch. 


Fish stocks driven by external conditions do migrate and routine year after year repetition of echo-survey or fishing stations’ grid, times and again miss the fish, however abundant. Some years ago, cod catches on the Faroese Plateau went dramatically down and the stock was proclaimed overfished. Then, all of a sudden the cod reappeared in force. Fishermen say that the only sensible explanation is that it had migrated to more favourable waters, and returned when conditions on the Plateau had improved,


The 2006 ICES report includes this interesting remark: “The Faroese catches on the Faroe-Iceland ridge, within the Vb1 area, were removed from the current assessment for the years 1999–2005. This was done because evaluation of tagging data indicated that the cod fished in this area was more likely to be of Icelandic origin than Faroese”. This point requires, in my view, further attention, including whether or not there is any genetic difference between both stocks. If not, the option of common stock mobility ought to be investigated



Changes in fishing technology and fishing patterns


The opinion that the effort management system invites improvement of fishing technology and fishing patterns that, in turn, must increase the fishing efficiency has found a place also in ICES assessments and recommendations. Some recommendations even suggest a routine annual reduction of effort, upon the assumption that efficiency keeps growing non-stop.  Still, even ICES admits that although “some improvements were evident just after the introduction of the system; no major improvements have been evident in subsequent years”. Also, natural factors may influence catchability more than technology, the above-mentioned link between hook-and-line catches and food availability being just one example.


The theory that effort system brings about an automatic increase in the effort of every single fishing unit and of a fleet as a whole is a gross simplification. Many other factors are involved.  Fishing efficiency increases in steps-jumps when new inventions are introduced, rather than in a constant curve. Not every new gadget necessarily improves fishing power. Most of the recent ones improve on safety, communication, on-board weighing, on-line marketing and monitoring vessels’ position, etc. They are not designed for catch increase. Vessel’s size often influences living and working conditions on board without having effect on fishing power, which depending on the fishing method employed, may be rather controlled by the size of the gear, effective horsepower (in trawlers), etc., and above all on the skipper’s skill and experience. 


In the Faroese trawling industry there’re examples of reducing the number of trawlers by scrapping inefficient ones and replacing some others with new ones (Olaf Olsen, private communication). The reason for the replacement was not increase of effort but economic feasibility of the individual vessels, which increase of general effort would depress.


One must also bear in mind that individual skippers, especially if they are full or part-owners, must operate by economic considerations, with market prices having as a rule the last say. Increasing the catch by increasing the effort does not always pay and, if prices go down or running costs up too much, may even push the operation financially under the red line. A bigger vessel should be able to keep fishing in a worse weather more days than a smaller one, but not always the level of the resulting catch justifies the extra costs and efforts. The extra catchability of large gear as compared with smaller one may be very modest under certain fishing conditions, for example where fish concentrate over small areas, or where fish schools are small, so that short and frequent sets are more effective, etc.





Tailoring rules to specific fisheries


Each fishery should have management rules tailored to its specifics. In the Faroes’ current case, the right sort of longline fishery management, in my view, should target the haddock, and fishing it should not be limited because of the cod. The lagging cod stock could be helped by keeping the fishery off cod's spawning grounds and its spawning season, and/or other species life-history-oriented measures. Also, if trawlers fish mainly saithe, which population appears to be in good state, their current effort should be maintained, even if they have some cod bycatch.



Managing mixed fisheries by effort control


It seems that EU and ICES have started reconsidering their management methodology. This may be a long process, all the more that much research effort is still needed before reliable assessments and forecasts for mixed fisheries could be available. Still, some of the presently examined methods may form an improvement on the currently employed single species TAC system that ignores the multi-species nature of some fisheries. 


The management of the mixed-species fisheries of the north European fisheries, where the relative share of each commercial species in the fishery ecosystem undergoes frequent changes and fluctuations, quite evidently needs improvement if not a total overhaul. The single species TAC and individual quota system, as allocated to each vessel, fleet or country, is rather ineffective and, in most case, even counter-productive. It does not help to protect and rebuild stocks, motivates misreporting, discards and “black” landings, does not increase safety, and carries high socio-economic costs.


Hence, return to the case-tailored effort-based fisheries management system should be seriously considered throughout all North Atlantic fisheries. This also implies the need to develop means by which fishing effort can be allocated between nations, which in turn requires a better quantitative definition of fishing effort than currently exists. The Faroese experience in fisheries management system based on DAS and some other “technical” means seem to well prove the point. The very character of this system does not discourage fishermen to provide complete and reliable landings data and does away with discarding marketable fish.


Not that management by effort control is free of problems. While, ideally, fishermen should be targeting the most abundant fish species, thus reducing the fishing mortality on lagging stocks, market forces would always intervene.

The now more abundant fish as a rule fetch lower price than cod, which is always in high demand and which price ascends with decreasing supply. Hence, any effort-based management system ought to develop a methodology that in such cases could counterweight the market forces and avoid a disproportionate targeting of depleted stocks. Such methodology might include, for example, levies on landings of depressed species; financial and other encouragement to target the abundant species, experimental efforts aimed at provision of technological solutions to fishermen and vessels, whose current gear and practice are limited to single species and fishing method, to versify, etc.



Rules may be wrong


As mentioned above, illegal fishing and landings, wasteful discards, rules beating, and misreporting are to a large degree direct results of wrong management rules. Some such rules may be the product of flawed science, other of sectorial, political  preferences, still other of disregarding or ignorance of fishing technology.


Management by effort control has been suffering from wrong decisions. Classic examples are technologically wrong rules aimed at limiting fishing power of individual vessels. For example, limiting the length of trawlers gave birth to a whole generation of “rule-beaters” – monstrously designed, fuel-guzzling boats with breadth and depth almost half their length, and disproportionately large displacement. 


The most appropriate way to limit trawlers’ fishing power is by limiting their towing pull or their engine power, the latter with consideration of eventual technological enhancements, such as propeller nozzles and controllable-pitch propellers. The fishing power of longliners and netters can be limited by number of hooks/mainline length and the length and numbers of nets, respectively. Purse seiners’ fishing power can be regulated in various manners, depending on the specific conditions in each fishery. 


A common baseline for defining the fishing power of individual vessels, should assume that nowadays every boat is equipped with precise navigation and communication systems and effective fish-detection devices. 



Fishery research needs


Good fishery science must involve multi-disciplinary and inter-disciplinary system of experimental, sea-borne and in-vitro research and integrated reasoning. It should employ many tools that are available, and mathematical modelling is only one of such tools. Such modelling is by no means a "science" by itself, and is desirable and helpful only if appropriately used. One should not trust models that do not account for most of the factors, which affect fish stocks  in the ecosystem, and that are not fed with adequate and reliable factual data and information that are too often inadequate, not to say just bad. And even the best designed models and correct and sufficient data will do little good without unbiased and wise interpretation of the results.


Fishery ecology should become an important if not the main topic of research. One important subject is stomach and gut analysis of all fishes in Faroes’ waters. Such research would contribute towards understanding of competition  and prey-predator relations in the ecosystem. For example, as mentioned above, monkfish may be found either to be a massive predator affecting the natural mortality of recruits of other, more important commercial species or an efficient scavenger that cleanses the fish populations of sick and weak individuals. 


Fishery science on which the future management is to be based needs a major shift: back to biological and oceanographic research at sea that would enable reliable management strategy. It wants: on-going monitoring and analysis, considering all possible correlations between environmental factors and fish populations. Most of the research efforts should be targeted at studying the fish ecology and life history and the external conditions that are favourable and those that are not. Although this would come at the expense of the efforts spent on mathematical-statistical stock and TAC assessment exercises, we'd have much better "best available science" and less counter-productive and sometimes even ridiculous management rules.





Reports and people quoted


Bates, Q. 2006. Fish.News Internatl. June 2006. P.13.


Ben-Yami, M. Is Selectivity Wrong? World Fishing, March 2005. P.6


Berkeley, Steve, Research Biologist at the University of California in Santa Cruz. (Internet info:


Beverton, Ray. 1992. Keynote lecture on the plenary session of the 1992 World Fishery Congress in Athens.


Bjarnasson, Jonas. Private communication.


Broecker, Wallace, Columbia University's Earth Institute


Godley, Brendan, senior lecturer at the University of Exeter Cornwall Campus, (press release, 2006).


Heino, Mikko. 2003. Does fishing cause genetic evolution in fish stocks? ICES   Newsletter (40).


Hoegdan, Kim. Commercial fisherman, Greenland.


Gaard, E., Hansen, B., Olsen, B and Reinert, J. 2001. Ecological features and recent trends in physical environment, plankton, fish stocks and sea birds in the Faroe plateau ecosystem. In: K- Sherman and H-R Skjoldal (Eds). Changing States of the Large Marine Ecosystems of the North Atlantic.


Institute of Marine Research, Bergen. (Press  release on Internet).


I Jakupsstovu, H. and A. Andreassen. 2004. Fiskiskapur vid Foroyar I 100 ar. (Fiskirannsoknarstovan – FRI, Torshavn). 98 p.


Olsen, E.L. 2004.  Nature, April 2004.


Steingrund, P., and Gaard, E. 2005. Relationship between phytoplankton production and cod production on the Faroe Shelf. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 62: 163-176.


ICES, 2006.   4.4 - The Faroe Plateau Ecosystem

ICES NWWG Report 2006. Demersal Stocks in the Faroe Area (Division Vb and Subdivision IIA4)


ICES. 2006. Data and methodology (update to the 2005 report of the NWWG)

Klyashtorin, Leonid. 2002. FAO Fisheries Technical Report (410). 


Kristjansson, Jon. In preparation. See also Internet website:; Private communication.


Lackey, Robert T., USEPA


Olsen, Olaf, Foroyar. Private communication.


O’Neill, Peter. 2003. Cover Story. World Fishing, November 2003.


Palsson, Orn.  Iceland’s National Association of Small Boat Owners


Rountree, Rodney A. (NMFS, Northeast Fisheries Science Center, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543; U.S.A. (1) 508-495-2340;


Sharp, Gary. 2003. Future climate change and regional fisheries: a collaborative analysis. FAO Fisheries Technical Paper (452):75 p. 

(FAO Rome).


Sigurjónsson, Jóhann, MRI, Iceland, Press Release.


Uphoff, James H. Jr. Maryland Department of Natural Resources.



Ward, W. and P. Weeks. Chpt.4 in: Dyers, C.L. and J.R.Mcgoodwin (Eds.). 1994. Folks Management in the World Fisheries: Lessons for Modern Fisheries Management. University Press of Colorado, P.O.Box 849, Niwot, Colorado 80544, USA. 347 pp. (feature on on MRI’s report)










Jon, Kristjansson, Consultant, Reykjavik

Jonas Bjarnasson, Consultant, Reykjavik

Gunnar Stefansson – Statistician, Inst.Mar.Res., Reykjavik

Einar Hjorleifsson – Stock Assassment Biologist, Inst.Mar.Res., Reykjavik.

Konrad Thorisson – Biologist, Inst.Mar.Res., Reykjavik.

Tumi Tomasson – Director, Fisheries Training Programme, U.N. University, Reykjavik



Olaf Olsen, former skipper/owner and former Faroese Minister of Fisheries

Oli Jakobsen, Chairman, Faroese Fishermen’s Association 

Bui Turil – Publisher, N.Atlantic Information Service Spf.

Maria Olsen – Photographer, N.Atlantic Information Service Spf.

Jakup Solstein – Chairman - Faroe Shipowners Association

Audunn Konradsson – Alliance of Coastal Fisheries in the N.Atlantic

Hjalti i Jakupsstovu, Director, Faro.Fish.Lab.

Kristian Zachariassen – Fishing Gear Technician, Faro.Fish.Lab.

Bjarti Thomsen, Res.Manager Fish.Technol., Faro.Fish.Lab.

Andreas Andreassen - Old fisherman








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